What to Expect When Visiting


If this is the first time you are visiting with us, we are so excited you have found your way to Branson First Assembly of God.
Whether you’re single, married, single again, with or without children, young or old – no matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done – we invite you to experience freedom, connect with others, and grow in Christ with us at Branson First Assembly of God!

What should I wear?

At Branson First Assembly, we welcome you to come as you are – there isn’t a dress code. Some of our members wear suits, some wear jeans and a t-shirt. Whatever you wear, you’ll fit in.

Children’s Ministries!

Sunday child care and kid’s classes are available from newborn through High School. Your children are important to you, and they’re important to us!
A volunteer will help you and your family find the age appropriate Sunday school classes.  Once Sunday school is dismissed you can pick your child up from their class and head to the sanctuary.  
Ignite Kids is for children 4 years old through 4th grade, and provides a nurturing environment for children to learn and become who God made them to be. Children will be dismissed from corporate worship, and you can pick them up in the Fellowship Hall after the morning sermon.
Sunday evening class will be dismissed from corporate worship and children can be picked up from the Fellowship Hall.
Wednesday evening classes are for students ages 4 years old through High School.  Classes are available for Impact Girls, Royal Rangers, and Amplify Youth.

Which entrance should I use?
Our main entrance is under the awning facing T Hwy, but you are welcome to enter the double doors on the north side of the building too. If you happen to be running late, please use the main entrance facing T Hwy as this helps us keep our building safe and secure.

What time should I arrive?

Our Sunday school classes start at 9:30 AM and worship service starts at 10:30 AM. We recommend arriving 10-15 minutes prior to the start of classes or worship to comfortably get your family comfortable.   As stated above, if you are running late, use the main entrance facing T Hwy.